Prompt in the interactive shell

Like many other shells, XSH2 provides means for customizing the format of its interactive shell prompt. The prompt is displayed according to the content of the variable $PROMPT on which the following substitutions and interpolations are performed (in this order):

1. Prompt-string replacements

%% - percent sign
%p - XPath location of the current node
%P - like %p but without an initial document variable
%l - XPath location of the current node with ID-shortcuts
%L - like %l but without an initial document variable
%n - name of the current node
%N - local name of the current node
%c - canonical XPath name of the current node
%y - type of the current node (element,attribute,...)
%i - ID of the current node
%d - current document variable
%h - the hostname up to the first '.'
%H - the hostname
%s - XSH shell name (basename of $0)
%t - the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format
%T - the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format
%@ - the current time in 12-hour am/pm format
%A - the current time in 24-hour HH:MM format
%u - the username of the current user
%v - the version of XSH2 (e.g., 2.1.0)
%V - the revision number of XML::XSH2::Functions (e.g. 2.40)
%w - current working directory (on the local filesystem)
%W - basename of %w

2. Variable, XPath and Perl interpolations

Substrings of the forms ${variable}, ${{...perl...}} and ${(...xpath...)} are interpolated as in XSH2 expressions.

3. Special character substitution

\n - newline character
\r - line-feed character
\t - tab character
\a - bell character
\b - backspace character
\f - form feed character
\e - escape character (\033)
\\ - backslash character
\nnn - the character corresponding to the octal number nnn
(useful for non-printable terminal control characters)

The default value of $PROMPT is "%p>".

Note that you must escape ${...} interpolators like \${...} if you want them to be evaluated at each prompt rather than at the time of the assignment to $PROMPT. For example:

Example 1. Let `uname` be computed once, `date` at every prompt

$PROMPT="[${{ chomp($u=`uname`);$u }} \${{ chomp($d=`date`);$d }}] %p>"